App ID | Institution Name | Event Type | Event Title | Event Date | Event Venue | EBAMP CPD points |
APP-00251 | SPANISH SOCIETY OF MEDICAL PHYSICS | Congress | III CURIE DAYS V CONFERENCE OF TEACHING UNITS | 2023-11-07 | Hotel Villamadrid, Madrid, Spain | 17 |
APP-00250 | SPANISH SOCIETY OF MEDICAL PHYSICS | Course | Course of advances and new challenges in reference dosimetry in photon beams, electrons and protons and applications of calorimetry in situ | 2023-11-09 | Hospital Puerta de Hierro/ Hospital Universitario Quiron Salud/ Centro de Protonterapia Quiron Salud, Madrid, Spain. | 24 |
APP-00249 | EFOMP | Conference | Symposium on molecular radiotherapy dosimetry | 2023-11-09 | Hellenic Association of Medical Physicists and University of Athens Medical Physics laboratories, Athens Greece. Due to increased interest for participation the Symposium will take place at the Titania hotel instead of University of Athens facilities | 27 |
APP-00247 | Kaunas University of Technology | Conference | 16th International Conference & Workshop Medical Physics in the Baltic States 2023 | 2023-11-09 | Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinics, Kaunas, Lithuania Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania | 24 |
APP-00246 | Philips Healthcare | Course | Azurion for Medical Physicists Advanced Off-site | 2023-10-30 | Virtual | 33 |
APP-00245 | European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) | Course | Out of field doses and associated risks of cancer in Radiotherapy | 2023-10-19 | University of Novi Sad, Serbia | 14 |
APP-00244 | Hellenic Association of Medical Physicists (HAMP) | Conference | 1st Panhellenic Conference on Physical Sciences in Health: Innovations and Perspectives | 2023-09-22 | Athens War Museum, Athens, Greece | 18 |
APP-00243 | SPANISH SOCIETY OF MEDICAL PHYSICS | Course | Quality control in external radiotherapy treatments | 2023-10-30 | Online | 23 |
APP-00242 | PTW Dosimetry School | Course | Small Field Dosimetry | 2023-10-19 | Humanitas Research Hospital – Via Manzoni 56, Rozzano Milano | 36 |
APP-00241 | Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust | Course | Quantitative measurements in digital radiography: online only | 2023-08-29 | Online only | 49 |
APP-00240 | Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust | Course | Quantitative measurements in digital radiography | 2023-08-29 | Online and Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, UK | 57 |
APP-00239 | PSI | Course | 4D workshop and RAPTOR loop engagement coordinated events | 2023-09-10 | PSI, Villigen and ETH, Centro Congressi Stefano Frascini, Ascona (CH) | 41 |
APP-00237 | European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) | Course | Artificial Intelligence in Medical Physics | 2023-10-05 | Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Videnska 1958/9, 140 21 Prague 4 | 58 |
APP-00236 | EANM – European Association of Nuclear Medicine | Conference | EANM’23 – 36th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine | 2023-09-09 | ACV Vienna, Austria | 29 |
APP-00233 | European Radiation Dosimetry Group, EURADOS | Seminar | 16th EURADOS SCHOOL Contribution of dosimetry in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness and radiological accident management | 15/6/2023 | Instituto Portugues de Oncologia do Porto (IPO), Porto, Portugal | 13 |
APP-00232 | Irish Association of Physicists in Medicine (IAPM) | Conference | 12th IAPM Annual Scientific Meeting | 17/6/2023 | Technological University (TU) Dublin, Grange Gorman Campus | 14 |
APP-00231 | IAPM, Irish Association of Physicists in Medicine | Seminar | An Introduction To Applied Neuroscience For More Effective Team Communication | 16/6/2023 | Technological University (TU) Dublin, Grange Gorman Campus | 12 |
APP-00229 | University of Maastricht | Course | Artificial Intelligence 4 Imaging | 28/6/2023 | Maastricht UMC+, Maastricht, The Netherlands | 41 |
APP-00228 | European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) | Course | Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy | 13/7/2023 | Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Brehov 7, 115 19 Prague 1, CZECH REPUBLIC | 23 |
APP-00227 | ESTRO | Course | Physics for modern radiotherapy (A joint course for clinicians and physicists) | 5/22/2023 | Online | 50 |
APP-00226 | Malta Association of Medical Physics | Course | Data Analysis with Python for Medical Physicists | 9/21/2023 | Online | 32 |
APP-00225 | Institute of Cancer Research | Course | Nuclear Medicine course | 1/16/2023 | Institute of Cancer Research, Brookes Lawley Building, 15 Cotswold Road, Sutton, SM2 5NG | 29 |
APP-00224 | ESTRO | Course | DOSIMETRY AUDIT | 4/17/2023 | National Physical Laboratory, Hampton Road, Teddington, Middlesex, W11 0LW | 43 |
APP-00223 | PTW Dosimetry School | Course | Small Field Dosimetry | 4/27/2023 | PTW-Freiburg , Lörracher Strasse 7, 79115 Freiburg Germany | 36 |
APP-00221 | Hellenic Association of Medical Physicists (HAMP) | Conference | Medical Lasers: Advanced Clinical Applications and Safety | 4/22/2023 | Lecture Hall ‘Kotzias’, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece | 8 |
APP-00220 | ESTRO | Course | ADVANCED IMAGING FOR PHYSICISTS | 3/26/2023 | Novotel Brussels City Centre, Rue de la Vierge Noire 32 1000, Brussels, Belgium | 41 |
APP-00219 | PTW-Freiburg | Course | Introduction to Small Field Dosimetry and user experience | 3/23/2023 | PTW-Freiburg, Freiburg Germany | 24 |
APP-00218 | The Institute of Cancer Research | Course | Diagnostic Radiology & CT course | 2/22/2023 | The Institute of Cancer Research, Chester Beatty Laboratories, 237 Fulham Road, London, SW3 6JB, UK | 24 |
APP-00217 | The Institute of Cancer Research | Course | Image Theory, Processing & Perception Course | 2/21/2023 | The Institute of Cancer Research, Chester Beatty Laboratories, 237 Fulham Road, London, SW3 6JB, UK | 10 |
APP-00216 | ESTRO – European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology | Course | Physics Pre-meeting course – Practical implementation of complex systems and processes into the clinic | 5/12/2023 | Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center, Messepl. 1, 1021 Wien, Austria | 14 |
APP-00215 | Philips Healthcare | Course | Azurion for Medical Physicists Advanced Off-site | 4/17/2023 | Virtual | 30 |
APP00214 | EFOMP | Course | Computed Tomography | 2023-01-26 | Czech Technical University in Prague | 24 |
APP00213 | SEFM | Course | Reunión Bienal de la SEFM | 10-12 Nov 2022 | Bilbao | 24 |
APP00212 | SEFM | Course | Curso SEFM en Inteligencia Artificial | Online | 22 | |
APP00211 | SEFM | Course | Curso de Radiobiología Clínica | Online | 22 | |
APP00210 | SEFM | Course | Latest Advances in Patient Quality Control | Online | 10 | |
APP00209 | SEFM | Course | Course on Quality Control and Dose in Digital Radiology | Online | 18 | |
APP00208 | Serbian Association of Medical Physicists | Course | Patient Specific Quality Assurance- Workshop on Advanced Radiotherapy Dosimetry Techniques | 1-4/12/2022 | Serbia | 40 |
APP00207 | ESTRO | Course | Advanced Physics for Brachytherapy | 9-12/10/2022 | Greece | 44 |
APP00206 | PTW-Freiburg | Course | Small Field Dosimetry | 24/11/2022 and 26/11/20222 | Germany | 32 |
APP00205 | EFOMP | Course | EUTEMPE Atelier | 17/08/2022 | Ireland | 14 |
APP00204 | ICR | Course | Ultrasound Imaging | 15/11/2022-17/11/2022 | Online | 26 |
APP00203 | SEFM | Course | Course Clinical dosimetry for higher technicians in radiotherapy and dosimetry | 17/10/2022-28/10/2022 | Online | 26 |
APP00202 | SEFM | Course | Course of Ultrasound, clinical applications, quality control of ultasonographers | 26/9/2022-21/10/2022 | Online | 23 |
APP00201 | EANM | Confress | EANM’22 – 35th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine | 15-19/10/2022 | Spain | 35 |
APP00200 | SCMPCR | Course | SCMPCR E-learning Program (ELP -07): Computed Tomography and Interventional Radiology | 7-28/10/2022 | Online | 32 |
APP00199 | EFOMP | Course | EUTEMPE MPE 12 – Occupational dosimetry in diagnostic and interventional radiology: Personnel dosimetry and competences for MPE with RPE responsibilities | 1/9/2022-28//102022 | Germany | 92 |
APP00198 | HAMP | Congress | 1st National Congress of Medical Physics | 23-25/9/2022 | Athens, Greece | 32 |
APP00197 | EFOMP | Course | Adaptive Radiotherapy: Pros and Cons of in-room and out-of-room Imaging | 17/8/2022 | Dublin, Ireland | 14 |
APP00196 | EFOMP | Course | EFOMP PET/CT and PET/MR Quality Control Protocol | 17/8/2022 | Dublin, Ireland | 14 |
APP00195 | EFOMP | Course | Digital Breast Tomosynthesis QC protocol feedback sesión | 17/8/2022 | Dublin, Ireland | 14 |
APP00194 | EFOMP | Congress | 4th European Congress of Medical Physics | 18-20/8/2022 | Dublin, Ireland | 32 |
APP00193 | ESTRO | Course | In-room MRI-guided RT | 6/10/2022-8/11/2022 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 44 |
APP00192 | EUTEMPE | Course | EUTEMPE-RX (module 9): Achieving Quality in diagnostic and screening Mammography | 12-15/9/2022 | The Netherlands | 102 |
APP00191 | Cosylab | Course | RAPTOR School – LOOP REQUIREMENTS | 4-9/9/2022 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | 76 |
APP00190 | IBA Dosimetry | Course | Stereotactic clinical experience with myQA SRS on pre-treatment verification of multi-target brain plans | 21/7/2022 | Virtual | 9 |
APP00189 | EANM | Course | EANM Multidisciplinary Days | 28-30/7/2022 | Austria | 80 |
APP00188 | ESTRO | Course | Physics for modern radiotherapy | 5-9/6/2022 | Bucharest, Romania | 62 |
APP00187 | ESTRO | Course | Research Course in Radiotherapy Physics | 27-30/3/2022 | Virtual | 60 |
APP00186 | Philips Healthcare | Course | Azurion for Medical Physicists Advanced Off-site | 14-17/6/2022 | Virtual | 52 |
APP00185 | HAMP | Course | The role of the Medical Physicist in Radiation Oncology | 23/3/2022 | Athens, Greece | 4 |
APP00184 | TU Dublin-International Society for Clinical Spectroscopy | Congres | SPEC2022, 12th International Conference on Clinical Spectroscopy | 19-23/6/2022 | Dublin, Ireland | 52 |
APP00183 | MAMP | Course | Data Analysis with Python for Medical Physicists | 21-23/4/2022 | Virtual | 20 |
APP00182 | ESTRO | Course | Implementation and Practice of Image-Guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy | 24-30/6/2022 | Virtual | 54 |
APP00181 | ESTRO | Course | Physics Pre-meeting course: Real-world implementation of adaptive radiotherapy in clinical practice | 6/5/2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark | 15 |
APP00180 | ESTRO | Course | Artificial Intelligence 4 Imaging | 29/6/2022-2/7/2022 | Maastricht, The Netherlands | 72 |
APP00179 | ESMPE-EFOMP | Course | Radiation Shielding in Medical Installations | 10-12/2/2022 | Prague, Czech Republic, | 49 |
APP00178 | EURADOS | Course | Computational Methods in Dosimetry – State of the Art and Emerging Developments | 3/2/2022 | Belgrade, Serbia | 21 |
APP00177 | PTW-Freiburg | Course | Small Field Dosimetry | 30/9/2021-2/10/2021 | Freiburg, Germany | 32 |
APP00176 | LMU Munich | Course | RAPTOR School – LOOP BASIC | 13-15/12/2021 | Munich, Germany | 72 |
APP00175 | IBA Dosimetry | Course | High-Resolution Independent VMAT/IMRT Patient QA: Clinical Implementation and Results | 20/10/2021 | Virtual | 10 |
APP00174 | ESMPE-EFOMP | Course | Individual dosimetry in medical applications | 4/11/2021 | Kaunas, Lithuania | 20 |
APP00173 | NACP-PRC | Course | Quality Assurance and Patient Dosimetry in Radiology | 10/2021-11/2021 | Virtual | 23 |
APP00172 | EANM | Congress | EANM’21 Congress and Pre Congress Symposia | 4/10/2021-23/10/2021 | Austria | 55 |
APP00170 | PEFNADIT | Course | The role of the Medical Physicist in Nuclear Medicine | 28/9/2021 | Athens, Greece | 3 |
APP00169 | IBA Dosimetry | Course | A new high-resolution digital SRS and SBRT QA detector array: Performance characterisation and clinical advantages | 14/10/2021 | Virtual | 12 |
APP00168 | ESTRO | Course | Implementation and Practice of Image-guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy | 2/11/2021 | Virtual | 60 |
APP0167 | EFOMP | Course | Hybrid Approaches in Radiation Therapy | 12-13/10/2021 | Virtual | 23 |
APP00166 | ESTRO | Course | Physics for modern radiotherapy | 29/9/2021 | Virtual | 62 |
APP00165 | ESTRO | Course | In-room MRI-guided RT | 7/10/2021 | Virtual | 35 |
APP00164 | ESTRO | Course | Research Course in Radiotherapy Physics | 24/10/2021 | Budapest, Hungary | 72 |
APP00163 | HAMP | Course | The role of non ionizing and ionizing radiation against COVID-19 | 9/7/2021 | Virtual | 11 |
APP00162 | Philips Healthcare | Course | Azurion for Medical Physicists Advanced Off-site | 13/9/2021 | Virtual | 44 |
APP00161 | EANM | Course | Advanced Features of Quantification: an Introduction to advanced quantitative Imaging | 1-2/7/2021 | Virtual | 14 |
APP00160 | IBA Dosimetry | Course | Novel stereotactic QA with film-class resolution: First clinical experience with myQA SRS | 7/7/2021 | Virtual | 9 |
APP00159 | EFOMP | Course | Artificial Intelligence | 16/6/2021 | Virtual | 14 |
APP0158 | EFOMP | Course | Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry | 16/6/2021 | Virtual | 14 |
APP0157 | EFOMP | Course | Patient Specific QA and RT. When/How/Analysis | 16/6/2021 | Virtual | 14 |
APP00156 | EFOMP | Congress | 3rd European Congress of Medical Physics | 16-19/6/2021 | Virtual | 32 |
APP0155 | IBA Dosimetry | Course | Commissioning and independent validation of Ethos™/ Halcyon™ machines: Best practice | 8/6/2021 | Virtual | 9 |
APP00154 | ESTRO | Course | The evolving role of medical physicists in clinical trials | 27/8/2021 | Madrid, Spain | 14 |
APP00153 | SCMPCR | Course | Quality Control in Medical Imaging | 5/6/2021 | Bangladesh | 32 |
APP00152 | MAMP | Course | Data Analysis with Python for Medical Physicists’ | 17-19/2/2021 | Virtual | 20 |
APP00151 | ESTRO | Course | ‘Imaging for Physicists’ | 14/4/2021-13/5/2021 | Virtual | 37 |
APP00150 | EFOMP-ESMPE | Course | MRI in Radiation Therapy Planning’ | 5-6/6/2021 | Virtual | 18 |
APP00148 | EURADOS | Course | ‘Foetal radiation risk: dose assessment in occupational, medical and emergency settings’ | 3-4/2/2021 | Virtual | 14 |
APP00145 | IAPM | Meeting-Workshop | IAPM 11th Annual Scientific Meeting & Workshop | 9/11/2020 | Virtual | 20 |
APP00143 | SGRT Community, UK | Course | SGRT: THE GLOBAL STANDARD FOR MOTION MANAGEMENT: LATEST INNOVATIONS | 27/11/2020 | Virtual | 10 |
APP00140 | EFOMP | Course | Particle Therapy: State of the art and future developments’ | 10-11/12/2020 | Virtual | 16 |
APP00139 | SEFM | Course | Dosimetry Trilogy of small fields | 24/11/2020 | Virtual | 9 |
APP00138 | SEFM | Course | Novelty in brachytherapy | 16/11/2020 | Virtual | 14 |
APP00137 | IBA Dosimetry | Course | Small Field dosimetry: Physics and Codes of Practice | 5/11/2020 | Virtual | 10 |
APP00136 | SEFM | Course | Patient Safety in External Radiotherapy | 23/10/2020 | Virtual | 45 |
APP00135 | SGRT Community, UK | Course | SGRT – The Global Standard | 6/11/2020 | Virtual | 14 |
APP00134 | EFOMP | Course | EUTEMPE-Rx-M12/2020 Online Only | 1/2/2021 | Virtual | 79 |
APP00133 | SCMPCR | Course | SCMPCR E-learning Program (SCMPCR ELP-02) | 24/10/2020 | Virtual | 12 |
APP00132 | EANM | Congress | EANM’20 – 33rd Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine | 22/10/2020 | Virtual | 51 |
APP00123 | EFOMP | Course | EUTEMPE MPE 12 – Occupational dosimetry in diagnostic and interventional radiology: Personnel dosimetry and competences for MPE with RPE responsibilities | 30/3/2020 | Berlin, Germany | EUTEMPE MPE 12 – Occupational dosimetry in diagnostic and interventional radiology: Personnel dosimetry and competences for MPE with RPE responsibilities |
App ID | Institution Name | Event Type | Event Title | Event Date | Event Venue | EBAMP CPD points |
APP-00121 | Malta Association of Medical Physics | Workshop | Data Analysis with Python for Medical Physicists | 28/5/2020 | St Pauls Bay. Malta | 30 |
APP-00118 | EFOMP | Course | Innovation in Technology in Nuclear Medicine | 23/1/2020 | Prague. Czech Republic | 34 |
APP-00117 | EFOMP | Course | Statistics in Medical Physics | 23/4/2020 | Athens. Greece | 39 |
APP-00116 | ESTRO | Course | Clinical Practice and Implementation of Image-guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy | 15/3/2020 | Prague. Czech Republic | 46 |
APP-00115 | Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University | Course | Niels Bohr summer school on therapeutic and diagnostic Medical Physics | 17/8/2020 | Copenhagen. Denmark | 116 |
APP-00114 | The Institute of Cancer Research | Course | A Course in Radiotherapy Physics (Accelerator Design, Radiobiology & Quality Assurance, Brachytherapy & Radiotherapy Verification Imaging) | 3/3/2020 | London. UK | 36 |
APP-00113 | The Institute of Cancer Research | Course | A Course in Radiotherapy Physics | 5/11/2019 | Surrey. UK | 39 |
APP-00112 | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE06: The development of advanced QA protocols for testing radiological devices. | 18/11/2019 | Leuven. Belgium | 106 |
APP-00111 | Malta Association of Medical Physics | Workshop | Introduction to Python for Medical Physicists | 1/10/2019 | Qormi. Malta | 22 |
APP-00110 | ESTRO | Course | Research Course in Radiotherapy Physics | 3/11/2019 | Madrid. Spain | 42 |
APP-00109 | SEFM | Course | Online Brachytherapy Update Course (2nd edition) | 1/10/2019 | online | 51 |
APP-00107 | IBA Dosimetry | Conference | Future Trends in Photon Radiotherapy Quality Assurance, Commissioning and Risk Analysis | 6/9/2019 | Palma de Mallorca. Spain | 16 |
APP-00106 | EANM | Congress | EANM’19 – 32nd Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine | 12/10/2019 | Barcelona. Spain | 29 |
APP-00104 | Royal Surrey County Hospital | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE07: Optimisation of X-ray imaging using standard and innovative techniques | 3/6/2019 | online | 115 |
APP-00103 | Royal Surrey County Hospital | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE07: Optimisation of X-ray imaging using standard and innovative techniques | 14/10/2019 | Guildford. UK | 137 |
APP-00102 | South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research | Workshop | SCMPCR Winter School Workshop: Dosimetry of Small Fields in External Beam Therapy: Reference and Relative Dose Determination | 2/10/2019 | Dhaka. Bangladesh | 37 |
APP-00101 | EFOMP | Course | ESMPE: Treatment Planning Systems | 10/10/2019 | Warsaw. Poland | 33 |
APP-00100 | Divisão de Física Médica da Sociedade Portuguesa de Física | Course | Machine learning, Big data and Automation in Radiotherapy | 8/11/2019 | Coimbra. Portugal | 17 |
APP-00099 | ESTRO | Course | Physics for modern radiotherapy (A joint course for clinicians and physicists) | 8/9/2019 | Riga. Latvia | 50 |
APP-00098 | SEFM | Congress | 6th Joint Congress of SERM-SEPR | 11/6/2019 | Burgos. Spain | 30 |
APP-00097 | EANM | Course | ESMIT Level 3: Advanced Features of Quantification | 6/6/2019 | Vienna. Austria | 35 |
APP-00096 | EFOMP | Course | ESMPE: State of the art and new trends of angiographic equipment: Image quality, Patient and Staff dosimetry | 4/7/2019 | Prague. Czech Republic | 34 |
APP-00095 | Irish Association of Physicists in Medicine | Workshop | IAPM Research and Education Workshop | 22/3/2019 | Dublin. Ireland | 7 |
APP-00094 | Irish Association of Physicists in Medicine | Congress | 10th Annual Scientific Meeting | 23/3/2019 | Dublin. Ireland | 10 |
APP-00093 | ESTRO | Course | Imaging for Physicists | 29/9/2019 | Manchester. UK | 49 |
APP-00091 | LRCB – Dutch Expert Centre for Screening | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE09: Achieving Quality in diagnostic and screening Mammography | 25/3/2019 | Nijmegen. The Netherlands | 160 |
APP-00089 | ESTRO | Course | Physics Premeeting Course: Machine Learning for Physicists | 26/4/2019 | Milano. Italy | 14 |
APP-00088 | South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research | Workshop | Commissioning of a Linear Accelerator: Basic and Advanced Treatment Techniques | 7/3/2019 | Dhaka. Bangladesh | 37 |
APP-00087 | The Institute of Cancer Research | Course | A Course in Radiotherapy Physics | 5/3/2019 | Sutton. UK | 39 |
APP-00086 | ESTRO | Course | Dose Modelling and Verification for External Beam Radiotherapy | 19/5/2019 | Lisboa. Portugal | 52 |
APP-00084 | Beacon Hospital, St Lukes Institute of Cancer Research and Hermitage Medical Clinic | Conference | Irish Annual Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Symposium | 17/5/2018 | Dublin. Ireland | 19 |
APP-00083 | IBA Dosimetry | Seminar | Striving for Excellence in RT | 10/12/2018 | Schwarzenbruck. Germany | 56 |
APP-00082 | EFOMP | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE01: Leadership in Medical Physics – Development of the Profession and the Challenges for the MPE (D&IR) | 4/2/2019 | Prague. Czech Republic | 119 |
APP-00081 | The Institute of Cancer Research | Course | The Radiotherapy Physics Course: Accelerator design, Radiobiology & Quality Assurance. Brachytherapy & Radiotherapy Verification Imaging | 5/3/2019 | London. UK | 39 |
APP-00080 | The Institute of Cancer Research | Course | Radiotherapy Physics Course | 6/11/2018 | Surrey. UK | 36 |
APP-00079 | Nordic Association for Clinical Physics-Radiological Physics Committee | Course | CT Optimization course | 3/4/2019 | Bergen. Norway | 33 |
APP-00077 | EFOMP | Course | Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry, Practical approach | 24/1/2019 | Prague. Czech Republic | 38 |
APP-00074 | Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Integrata di Udine | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE10: High dose X-ray procedures in Interventional Radiology and Cardiology: establishment of robust protocols for patient and staff dose | 25/6/2018 | Udine. Italy | 115 |
APP-00073 | ESTRO | Course | Imaging for Physicists | 23/9/2018 | Vienna. Austria | 43 |
APP-00072 | EANM – European Association of Nuclear Medicine | Congress | EANM’18 – 31st Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine | 13/10/2018 | Dusseldorf, Germany | 29 |
APP-00071 | ESTRO | Course | Advanced Brachytherapy Physics | 7/10/2018 | Valencia. Spain | 34 |
APP-00070 | EANM | Course | ESMIT Spring School – Theranostics Track | 3/5/2018 | Vienna. Austria | 27 |
APP-00069 | EFOMP | Course | ESMPE. Fundamentals of Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry | 22/8/2018 | Copenhagen. Denmark | 14 |
APP-00068 | EFOMP | Course | ESMPE. IMRT¬VMAT planning in practice | 22/8/2018 | Copenhagen. Denmark | 17 |
APP-00067 | IBA Dosimetry | Seminar | 3rd IBA Dosimetry Symposium | 19/4/2018 | Barcelona. Spain | 19 |
APP-00066 | EFOMP | Course | ESMPE. Statistics in Medical Physics | 22/8/2018 | Copenhagen. Denmark | 14 |
APP-00064 | EFOMP | Congress | 2nd European Congress of Medical Physics | 25/8/2018 | Copenhagen. Denmark | 23 |
APP-00063 | Städtisches Klinikum Braunschweigg GmbH | Seminar | EUTEMPE-RX: Perssonel dosimetry and techniques to communicate practical results to the users | 16/4/2018 | Braunschweig. Germany | 118 |
APP-00062 | Czech Association of Medical Physicists | Congress | World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering | 3/6/2018 | Prague. Czech Republic | 38 |
APP-00061 | Irish Association of Physicists in Medicine | Conference | 9th Annual Scientific Meeting | 17/2/2018 | Derry/Londonderry. Northern Ireland | 10 |
APP-00060 | Investnet Healthcare | Conference | Annual Irish Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Symposium | 28/5/2018 | Dublin. Ireland | 14 |
APP-00059 | ESTRO | Course | Dose Modelling and Verification for External Beam Radiotherapy | 10/6/2018 | Dublin. Ireland | 48 |
APP-00057 | University of Crete | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE11: Radiation dose management of pregnant patients, pregnant staff and paediatric patients in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology | 21/5/2018 | Crete. Greece | 110 |
APP-00056 | ESTRO | Course | Physics for modern radiotherapy (joint course for clinicians and physicists) | 9/9/2018 | Budapest. Hungary | 48 |
APP-00055 | ESTRO | Course | MRI Physics for Applications in Radiation Oncology | 20/4/2018 | Barcelona. Spain | 15 |
APP-00053 | IBA Dosimetry | Workshop | myQA user meeting | 23/11/2017 | Schwarzenbruck. Germany | 21 |
APP-00052 | EFOMP | Course | ESMPE. Computed Tomography: Technology, Dosimetry, Optimization | 25/1/2018 | Prague.CzechRepublic | 34 |
APP-00051 | SEFM | Course | Online Brachytherapy Update Course | 2/4/2018 | online course | 49 |
APP-00049 | The Institute Cancer Research | Course | A Course in Radiotherapy Physics: Accelerator Design and Quality Control, Radiobiology, Brachytherapy and Radiotherapy Verification Imaging | 6/3/2018 | London. UK | 36 |
APP-00048 | The Institute of Cancer Research | Course | A Course in Radiotherapy Physics: Radiation Dosimetry, Imaging for Radiotherapy, Treatment Planning and Patient Specific Dosimetry | 7/11/2017 | Surrey. UK | 36 |
APP-00047 | ESTRO | Course | Imaging for Physicists | 5/11/2017 | Málaga. Spain | 45 |
APP-00046 | Nordic Association for Clinical Physics – Radiological Physics Committee | Course | Occupational Dosimetry in Hospitals | 27/9/2017 | Stockholm. Sweden | 22 |
APP-00045 | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE06: The development of advanced QA protocols for testing radiological devices | 13/11/2017 | Leuven. Belgium | 117 |
APP-00044 | EANM – European Association of Nuclear Medicine | Congress | EANM’17 – 30th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine | 21/10/2017 | Vienna. Austria | 29 |
APP-00043 | International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA | Congress | International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO2) | 20/6/2017 | Vienna. Austria | 32 |
APP-00042 | Royal Surrey County Hospital | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE07: Optimization of X-ray imaging using standard and innovative techniques | 15/6/2017 | online course | 91 |
APP-00041 | The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust & The Institute of Cancer Research | Course | Physics of Ultrasound Imaging | 22/11/2017 | London. UK | 38 |
APP-00040 | University of Ferrara | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE04: Innovation & Advanced X-ray physics for imaging devices in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology | 1/7/2017 | Trieste. Italy | 116 |
APP-00039 | The Irish Association of Physicists in Medicine | Workshop | 8th IAPM Annual Scientific Meeting: Workshop | 24/3/2017 | Dublin. Ireland | 7 |
APP-00038 | The Irish Association of Physicists in Medicine | Conference | 8th IAPM Annual Scientific Meeting | 25/3/2017 | Dublin. Ireland | 10 |
APP-00037 | Royal Surrey County Hospital | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE07: Optimization of X-ray imaging using standard and innovative techniques (face-to-face and online course) | 15/6/2017 | Guilford. UK | 123 |
APP-00036 | ESTRO | Course | Physics for modern radiotherapy (joint course for clinicians and physicists) | 4/6/2017 | Bucharest. Romania | 57 |
APP-00034 | EFOMP | Course | ESMPE-European School for Medical Physics Experts. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Advanced clinical applications-Safety aspects-Quality controls | 6/7/2017 | Prague. Czech Republic | 37 |
APP-00033 | IBA – ICC | Course | Small Fields and FFF: The New Regulation DIN6809-8 in Theory and Hands-on Practice | 31/3/2017 | Schwarzenbruck. Germany | 23 |
APP-00032 | ESTRO | Course | Physics Pre-meeting Course: Medical Physics aspects of Particle Therapy | 5/5/2017 | Vienna. Austria | 14 |
APP-00029 | Technical University of Catalonia | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE03: Monte Carlo Simulation of X-ray imaging and dosimetry | 1/5/2017 | Barcelona. Spain | 105 |
APP-00028 | ESTRO | Course | Dose Modelling and Verification for External Beam Radiotherapy | 2/4/2017 | Warsaw. Poland | 35 |
APP-00026 | Beacon Hospital Dublin | Conference | 5th Beacon Hospital International Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy | 24/5/2017 | Dublin. Ireland | 15 |
APP-00025 | Technical University of Varna | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE05: Physical and virtual anthropomorphy phantoms for image quality and patient dose optimization | 22/5/2017 | Varna. Bulgaria | 136 |
APP-00024 | Serbian Association of Medical Physicists (SAMP) & Radiation Protection Society of Serbia and Montenegro (DZZSCG) | Congress | 8th Alpe-Adria Medical Physics Meeting (8th AAMPM 2017) | 25/5/2017 | NoviSad. Serbia | 7 |
APP-00023 | Dutch Reference Centre for Screening (LRCB) | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE09: Achieving Quality in Diagnostic and Screening Mammography | 15/1/2017 | Nijmegen. The Netherlands | 103 |
APP-00022 | EFOMP | Course | EUTEMPE-RX MPE01: Leadership in Medical Physics – Development of the Profession and the Challenges for the MPE (D&IR) | 1/11/2016 | Prague. Czech Republic | 115 |
APP-00227 | ESTRO | Course | Physics for modern radiotherapy (A joint course for clinicians and physicists) | 5/22/2023 | Online | 50 |
APP-00226 | Malta Association of Medical Physics | Course | Data Analysis with Python for Medical Physicists | 9/21/2023 | Online | 32 |
APP-00225 | Institute of Cancer Research | Course | Nuclear Medicine course | 1/16/2023 | Institute of Cancer Research Brookes Lawley Building 15 Cotswold Road Sutton SM2 5NG | 29 |
APP-00224 | ESTRO | Course | DOSIMETRY AUDIT | 4/17/2023 | National Physical Laboratory Hampton Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LW | 43 |
APP-00223 | PTW Dosimetry School | Course | Small Field Dosimetry | 4/27/2023 | PTW-Freiburg , Lörracher Strasse 7, 79115 Freiburg Germany | 36 |
APP-00221 | Hellenic Association of Medical Physicists (HAMP) | Conference | Medical Lasers: Advanced Clinical Applications and Safety | 4/22/2023 | Lecture Hall β€G. Kotziasβ€, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece | 8 |
APP-00220 | ESTRO | Course | ADVANCED IMAGING FOR PHYSICISTS | 3/26/2023 | Novotel Brussels City Centre Rue de la Vierge Noire 32 – 1000 Brussels – Belgium | 41 |
APP-00219 | PTW-Freiburg | Course | Introduction to Small Field Dosimetry and user experience | 3/23/2023 | PTW-Freiburg, Freiburg Germany | 24 |
APP-00218 | The Institute of Cancer Research | Course | Diagnostic Radiology & CT course | 2/22/2023 | The Institute of Cancer Research Chester Beatty Laboratories 237 Fulham Road London SW3 6JB UK | 24 |
APP-00217 | The Institute of Cancer Research | Course | Image Theory, Processing & Perception Course | 2/21/2023 | The Institute of Cancer Research Chester Beatty Laboratories 237 Fulham Road London SW3 6JB | 10 |
APP-00216 | ESTRO – European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology | Course | Physics Pre-meeting course – Practical implementation of complex systems and processes into the clinic | 5/12/2023 | Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center Messepl. 1, 1021 Wien Austria | 14 |
APP-00215 | Philips Healthcare | Course | Azurion for Medical Physicists Advanced Off-site | 4/17/2023 | Virtual | 30 |